How to choose the most suitable Correcty T-shirt size?
- First and foremost, the shirt should be close fitting - only then it will provide the desired effect. Refer to the charts below for sizing reference.
- For the shirt to be a good fit, measure your chest and remove 7 cm from the number you got - the shirts are made from a knitted fabric and will stretch to adjust to your body. Refer to the size guide to find the size closest to the figure you got after following the instructions above. If you have doubts about which of two sizes to take, we recommend going for the smaller one.
It is important that the shirt fits well around the shoulder area, as they will carry the most load of the corrective system. However, the hip and waist area differs for every body type and the fit is not as relevant. The primary factor for women in choosing the proper Correcty shirt size is the the chest circumference, which accounts for the upper shoulder area as well.
Currently, we don't yet offer sizes for children and teens, as their physique would differ considerably from that of an adult. Of course there are occasions where a teenager due to their fast development can employ adult sizing. However, such cases should be looked at on an individual basis, as the shirts should be close fitting.
Mens sizes cannot be referred to for women and vice versa. The difference in body build is more often than not quite significant. Women tend to have a more pronounced waistline, but men on the other hand have a more notable shoulder area.
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